www.myspace.com/14308984 is the subject of this review. Click on the link or the pic of the skinny kid with the crazy-eyed dog.
Page Name: "What's good"
Page Type: Wanna-be ghetto teenager
Page Grade: D-
Well here we go again....another one of these. Another one of those teenage pages where the author wishes they could buy their own beer and hopes that maybe someday he will know what a woman's breast feels like. In this case - our angst ridden teen is named Jeremy.
Let us begin by looking at how Jeremy describes himself:
Jeremy's InterestsPerhaps my favorite part about judging myspace pages is getting to witness the sheer stupidity of America's youth. In this case, our young Jewish friend is informing us that his general interests are "filling up the kegs".
This we know, is a classic teenage mistake. Jeremy needs to be told two things
1) Kegs aren't filled by drinkers - they are pressurized and filled by the brewery (drinkers empty kegs, not fill them).
2) Everyone who has ever had experience with a keg knows that it is a BITCH to change out and is hardly an event worthy of "general interest".
Don't worry Jeremy - some day you will be allowed more than just a sip of your uncle's beer - just be patient!
Also notice that our Jeremy is an avid reader of Hustler and Playboy and "all the good stuff" - one has to wonder what our lonely teen considers to be the "good stuff". Perhaps the poetry of Frost? The music and lyrics of the Indigo Girls? Well - as long as it isn't classical and Jazz (two brands of music that it appears Jeremy thinks are one in the same).
Well dear readers - there is little else to report on this page. Jeremy is your standard honky teenager who wants a little more danger in his life. Perhaps if our young friend goes to college he will be able to broaden his horizons enough to realize that no one is going to believe that an 18 year old white boy from Alabama makes more than $250,000 a year. Everyone with a brain knows this translates to "poor white trash".
Jeremy struggles to hang on to a D-.
Disagree with me? Or have a myspace you want me to judge? Email me at rateyourmyspace@hotmail.com with the URL!
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