is the subject of this review. Click on the link or the fairy princess above.

Page Type: Gay Pride (I think)
Page Grade: B+
You ever hear the expression a "A picture is worth a 1000 words"? Well now they have proof. What is perhaps most disconcerting about this page (specifically this picture) is not the Jeff Goldblum look-alike wearing the dress - it is the enormous stuffed Farvil sitting next to him (the lovable creature from "An American Tale"). All I can say is....somewhere out there the maker of that ballerina costume is weeping.
Dr. Cobra is a pushy bastard whose personality screams out "We're here, we're queer". But don't be fooled, our Dr. Cobra has a cynical outlook for a Disney Princess:
About me:
I think we have little time here and that this world is soon to end, I wanna make sure that I'm holding the hand of my best friend when it does.
But our pink Pollyanna is going out in style:
DR. COBRA.... Hisssss's Details
Status: | Swinger |
Good for you, Brittney, good for you. Your impeccable sense of style and the fact that you are the spitting image of Dr. Ian Malcom grants your page a B+
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