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Page Name: Fat Greg
Page Type: Pothead anarchist
Page Grade: B
I get scared sometimes. I get scared that the world is simply going to implode in on itself and all the life and happiness in the world will simply turn to dust. You know what makes me think this? MySpace pages like this one.
Take a long look at the picture above. Now read what "Fat Greg" has decided to say about himself.
>>>>>>>>>>My name is Fat Greg..... I am the shit.<<<<<<<<<<
Poetry....sheer poetry.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the American dream. In what other country could a doped up (almost) high school graduate have such delusions of grandeur? I suppose France, but then again, the French are assholes too.
But that isn't even the most shocking of events. What will really make you lose sleep is this:
Fat Greg's Details | ||
The only thing more shocking than that...is this:
Occupation: | salesman |
Salesman? Are you telling me that people actually see this man and are willing to give him money in exchange for goods and services? The only explanation I can come up with is that he is a street begger who is under the impression that asking people for crack money is a legitimate business practice.
Perhaps the site's only redeeming quality is the fact that he advocates overthrow of the government - and if these are the guys leading the revolution - democracy can sleep well tonight.
You get a B, Fat Greg - as in...You B stoned.
Have a MySpace page you think I should review? Tell me about it at rateyourmyspace@hotmail.com!
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