is the subject of this review. Click on the link or on the picture of the male Adonis himself.
Page Name: Corey Michael
Page Type: Self Page
Page Grade: B
I want to immediately have a serious conversation about topless myspace pictures. Men...stop it. It's embarrassing. In this case, young Corey Michael looks like he is on the verge of a massive dookey and is struggling to take the picture before it shoots out of him uncontrollably. Let it out, man. You can take the picture later.
And okay, lets just say that you are the kind of person who CAN pull off a topless MySpace headliner, the question you have to ask yourself is: should you? Here is a guy, Corey Michael, with a nice, if not uninteresting MySpace page. He tells of his likes and dislikes, where he is from and where he is going. The massive Ford Mustang background adds to his Kentucky Redneck appeal - and he has to go and ruin it by showing us his Marky Mark impression in the photo. It is just sad.
The page is uneventful, the picture is nauseating. B.
You a Corey fan? Or have a myspace you want me to review? Email me at rateyourmyspace@hotmail.com
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