is the subject of this review.
Page Name: Connie
Page Type: Self Page
Page Grade: C+
Well, well....Cadillac Connie? What can I say about your perfect eyes and endless soul? Gentlemen, this one's for you. But don't get too attached...Cadillac Connie's already bagged herself a husband. With a mug like that - how could she not?
This is a moment when we must reflect on the fact that this woman CHOSE this as her main picture. She had the dexterity and the mental clarity to push the correct sequence of buttons to put this in cyberspace. May God help us all.
Despite looking like she came straight out of COPS, Connie has quite a decent little MySpace here. It is a tad self-indulgent, but most are. But where the page takes a dip is where our beauty talks about who she would like to meet.
Who I'd like to meet:
i am VERY serious about this!!! i want to fu*k KIDROCK!
Oh Cadillac Connie, you're so sassy. But sassy only gets you so far in the Blogosphere. C+
Want to tell me what you think of Connie Or have a myspace you want me to review? Email me at rateyourmyspace@hotmail.com
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