is the subject of this review.
Page Name: Black Tangled Heart
Page Type: Emo Paradise
Page Grade: D+
Well, chalk another one up for Emo self indulgence.
As I have been surfing through MySpace and trying to find the best of the best in terms of pages, I have come across a lot of odd pictures and descriptions. Often times these are intended to be funny, but even more often you realize that people are just fucking clueless. This is one such page.
First of all - lets find a little bit about "Black Tangled Heart"
Well - isn't she just a breath of fresh air? Well if that didn't just make you want to scoop her up and put her in your pocket - this next bit will. We get to hear about who Tangled Heart wants to meet!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~People piss me off and people dissapoint me often. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I am. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My name is Heather Joy. If you still care, good for you. Your ahead of most of the people I know. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Who I'd like to meet:
Someone that makes my heart skip a beat, or someone who will stop my heart from beating altogether. The way I figure it, I WILL find someone, or I WILL cease to exist. Its that simple.
Despite this early college self discovery bull shit, the page is rather honest with itself on its musical selections and interests. And this lovely lady has over 600 comments. Now granted, most of them are from her best friend (her name is either Lauren or Dory, they use them interchangeably), but still - the girl's got spunk.
Not enough spunk though. D+
Do you have a black tangled heart? Or do you have a myspace you want me to review? Email me at rateyourmyspace@hotmail.com
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