is where you can find the subject of this article. Or click on the creepy pic above.
Page Name: http: Pottawattamie County Youth
Type of Page: Community group sponsored page
Grade: B
Okay....look at it, but not too long. Okay...now shake off the initial "creepy" feeling of having actually read the words in this MySpace. Now look at it again.
I know...not much better. But you don't feel as dirty do you? Neither did I. And it is this "safe with each other" kind of charm that makes this page a horrific trip, but a satisfying journey. But it was not all secret handshakes and baby oil....there were a couple of significant problems.
First of all...the Pic. Boys, boys, boys....what the fuck is with the handholding. How horrid and unnecessary a thing to have as your picture. And the fact that we are practically looking up your shorts while you clasp extremities is borderline sinful. Their headlining picture should be of a gilded crest or a community outreach building exterior. Do not feature little boys pictures in your myspace main photo...it is just creepy.
Next on the sin list was the name. Patta-watta-who the whats? No no no. Have you ever heard of a YMCA? How simple is that youth group? All you have to do to identify them is say four letters. And not even four letters...one letter. Y. "Let's go to the Y and play basketball". Get my point? And I sincerely doubt that a certain costumed crew of fabulous gay men will sing a song entitled "The PattaWattaComie - C -A" .
It's all about advertising.
On the good side though, it is a very well organized site. They have all of their affairs in order and it is regularly updated. The friends list is weak. But if you are the kind of "myspace snaker" who starts on one site and "friend's lists" himself to the 100th degree - you may like this page - but probably not. There is little humorous or interesting material to be had. Good luck Patta-Waccka whoever C A. And God Speed.
You enjoy youth groups? Or have a myspace you want me to review? Email me at rateyourmyspace@hotmail.com
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