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Page Name: P_Unit
Type of Page: Band Support Page
Overall Grade: C+
This myspace page does very little to grab your ADD riddled mind out from the normal point and click runthrough that has become your life. First of all, it incorporates the standard background. Now don't get me wrong, there are some A+ pages out there that utilize the standard background - but this, I am sad to say, is not one of them.
For starters, the main body of writing has the words "Shit Storms and Sexy Bitches" highlighted for your enjoyment. Well, Mr. P_Unit, I have been involved in many shit storms in my day and let me tell you....there was not a sexy bitch to be found. I have calmed myself considerably since first seeing that blatant piece of false advertising.
Second of my complaints is the friend's list. As of right now Mr. P_Unit, you are boasting that you have 487 friends. That sir...is a lie. You do not, in fact, have 487 friends. Never, at any of your concerts did you ever even have 487 ticket buyers - let alone that many people who have let you crash on their couch as you wait for your "big break". To say any different is criminal.
Last on my complaints list is contained within P_Unit's details. In his details he claims to be 1) A Swinger and 2) a high school graduate who does not want kids, smokes, drinks, and makes less than 30K a year. I am ashamed for you sir...I am ashamed.
But it is not all rubbish for your consumption. The band is, as far as I can tell, pretty good. They are a rap group, so I am a poor judge, but I didn't want to kill anyone while I was listening, so that means it must be "good rap" - but judge for yourself. And its most redeeming quality (the page, not the music) is how honest it was. He is, in fact, a high school graduate wanna be rap star...but with 487 friends...is it catching?
Like P_Unit's digs? Or have a myspace you want me to review? Email me at rateyourmyspace@hotmail.com
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