is the subject of today's review. Click on the link or the picture of the "whisper" himself...or herself...
Page Name: Just a Whisper on the Shadows
Page Type: Self-Masturbatory Ninja Page
Page Grade: D-
Okay...here is a classic for you. A ninja - an enigma. Quiet, stealthy, secretive. So secretive, in fact, that he is unable to reveal his appearance for fear that rival clans will find him and exact revenge. Wow, he truly is Just a Whisper on the Shadows...
Too bad he posts every single thing about himself ad nausea...
Name | Justin ******* |
Age | 16 |
Birthday | 2/23/89 |
Hometown | Perth Amboy |
Where you live | Edelman |
Eye Color | Brown |
Hair Color | Dark Brown |
Height | i think like 5'11" |
Weight | 172 |
Righty or Lefty | Righty |
Inny or Outty | inny |
Yes...he tells us he is an inny. Good thing he went to such great lengths to conceal his identity.
But it is not just this inherent contradiction that makes this page so terribly bad, it is also the message it chooses to send to the world.
just a whisper in the shadows's Blurbs About me:
I'm a crazy guy i'll try almost anything once or twice. i love to play video games and explore the neighboring quarrys in my bitch ass town im also a very trust worthy person if you tell me something ill take it to the grave and im also very loyal and i am wiccan and no i dont worship the devil...
Hmm...how interesting "Whisper-Shadow" man! You don't worship the devil but your MySpace URL is http://www.myspace.com/demons1870 - oops.
But even despite all these pre-teen mistakes, the page's truly horrific grade comes from the fact that the picture reminds me of something I would see on Al-Jazeera.
Whisper in the Shadows stealths his way to a D-.
Disagree with my take on Al-Jazeera ninja guy? Or have a myspace you want me to review? Email me at rateyourmyspace@hotmail.com
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